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Eran's Junk

Eran Howell is a local treasure. He is responsible for many of the beautifully refurbished pieces of equipment in the Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center. His retirement mission is to save Stevenson’s mill town legacy from the ravages of time by preserving various pieces of logging and milling equipment one scrap at a time. Some locals who drive by his Trucking Service yard on Rock Creek Drive see only “junk”. But if one takes a moment to really see, the junk begins to reveal its brilliance. I suppose that’s true in all aspects of this ol' life, eh? He is the inspiration for our use of logging equipment in various of our Rock Cove Design projects (the gear on Stevenson’s wayfinding signs, the “dogs” on the Hegewald Center sign, architecture at the Port). Eran is a shy, but engaging, man – give him a chat next time you see him. By the way, I did ask permission to shoot the pics on his yard property.

Liner Notes: The photos were all taken back in 2011 with my new (at the time) Nikon dslr. They have been heavily processed in Photoshop (boosts in contrast, clarity and saturation). The music is a tune I did last year (Tabula Rasa), but I added a few things as well as re-arranged and re-recorded it for this video. For those of you keeping track at home, some of the percussion elements are loop based (everything else is me).


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