River Walk - March 9, 2013
On the morning on March 9, 2013, Pat and I took a walk down to the river. It was a wonderful beginning to my 59th year (yes, it was my birthday). The fog was thick as we started out, but once we got to the river, it was beginning to clear out to the east. Because it was foggy, it was a windless morning as well (and in the Columbia River Gorge, “windless” is not a word often used). Anyway, the walk is filed under “Epic” in my memory, and I hope the vid portrays at least a fraction of that experience.
Liner Notes: I came up with this tune in 2014, and it was written and recorded specifically for this set of pics. As that recording now seemed primitive - the universal curse of musicians - I re-recorded it using the new toys. The pics begin in our driveway, continue thru town and down Russell to the waterfront. I wanted to keep the video short, so I ended up editing out about half of the already stylized photos of that shoot. You’re welcome. You know, there are some mornings or evenings where it is just not possible to take a “bad” photo, and this was one of those times. We were fortunate to be a part of it.
NOTE: There is an new (Jan 2021) version of this video with updated photos and music. Check it out here.